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The Who Owns This Number function of allows you to find out which phone company provides service for a particular toll free number. To use this function, simply enter a 10-digit toll free number and click the See Who Owns It button.

Your entry may contain numbers and letters (e.g. 800-555-1212 or 800-FLOWERS).

Example: If you enter 800-555-1212 into Who Owns This Number you will see:

Company: AT&T

Referral #: 800-544-6317

AT&T is responsible for the toll free number, and their contact number for troubles associated with the number is 800-544-6317.

If you enter a toll free number you may see this message: No information found for this number. This indicates that the number may be spare (and available for you to obtain on It may have been recently reserved, or have another status.

The Who Owns This Number function of allows you to find out which phone company provides service for a particular toll free number. To use this function, simply enter a 10-digit toll free number and click the See Who Owns It button.
Your entry may contain numbers and letters (e.g. 800-555-1212 or 800-FLOWERS).

Example: If you enter 800-555-1212 into Who Owns This Number you will see:

Company: AT&T
Referral #: 800-222-3000

AT&T is responsible for the toll free number, and their contact number for troubles associated with the number is 800-222-3000.

If you enter a toll free number you may see this message: No information found for this number. This indicates that the number may be spare (and available for you to obtain on It may have been recently reserved, or have another status.